Saturday, August 27, 2011

Blog Makeover Mini-Tour

Here is a little tour of some changes I have made on my blog!

Navigation Bar- This is the bar across the top, under the banner. This includes an 'Upcoming Events' button, which shows my events schedule (it will be updated all the time)You will find a Contact button, a link to my MeowRissa Facebook  and Twitter, locations button (this is where you can see all the stores I sell my jewelry in!) and last but not least a link to my Shoppe where you can find everything I sell!

Left Sidebar- These are linked to my 'featured' blog posts (since i blog so frequently, important posts often get 'buried'). All of the subjects (10 Things I Love, Tutorials etc...) 
link to that tag, showing all the posts in that category! ♥ 

Friends & Favorites- This is where you will find some of my favorite people & my favorite blogs!

Blog Archive- Here you can see all the blog posts I have ever written organized by each month it was posted on.

Search button- Is at the bottom of this sidebar. If you ever need help finding a past post, it's pretty helpful.

I hope this gives you a better understanding of each button on my page!