Thursday, January 5, 2012

10 Things I love #38

1. These button cookies!

2. Such a pretty shirt!

3. Basket of heads?

4. I want a vintage bow tie collection like this!

5. EGGS!

6. Pretty interesting!

7.  Snap on cat eye glasses!


9.  I am in love with these displays.

10. Love this print from Danny Brito!
I did the cover for a free online magazine called Gadchick, it’s a Gadget magazine for women that promises to be more than just cute cellphone cases. It has an amazing line up of female contributors, I believe I’m the only boy which is alright by me.

What is gadchick? It’s a place for gadgets geared towards making a woman’s life easier, and for women who love gadgets and technology. Yes, “Women.” Because if you want more than sites with lots of pink and Hello Kitty, then chances are you are not afraid to be called a woman.

Click through or click here to read the magazine, and make sure to check out to read the blog.