I have been a little M.I.A. lately, but soooo much has been going on!
Here are a few Instagram pics of new things going on in my life right now.
MY god daughter was finally born! She is the most precious little human! My best friend was in labor for 26 hours and finally little Lorelai Uribe arrived ♥
I got hired at Forever 21 a couple weeks ago and my last day at Albertsons was on Sunday! I tried the whole working 2 jobs thing for a week and I hated it, so I am now fully employed at Forever 21.
I Restocked The Basement 6745 and Eightywood Boutique with tons of new things, here is my display full of accessories at The Basement!
Becky, the owner of The Basement, hung a picture I created awhile back, inside of her store! (the center picture)
Also, here are a few Hello Kitty Earrings and rings I have recently made! Sells have been pretty good thanks to the Cal State Fullertson business students that have been advertising my business. Thank you guys again for you all your help!
Yes all of that has been going on within these past 2 weeks, I am currently trying to recover from a skin outbreak that attacked my whole body, haha.
So for now I gotta chill out for a little and enjoy these new things that have entered my life.
Thanks for stopping by:]
♥ Marissa